Can Feelers Be Good Leaders?

I’m an ENFJ.

According to Myer Briggs, my dichotomies are Extravert, Intuitive, Feeler, and Judging.  Basically, I get energy from being around people. I also see possibilities and prone to trust my gut instinct when absorbing information.  But, more importantly, I  make decisions based on my feelings. ENFJs tend to value personal considerations above objective criteria.

Believe it or not, most women are Feelers in their personality:

Males: 70% thinker and 30% feeler
Females: 30% thinker and 70% feeler


Feelers are naturally nurturing and emphatic toward other people.  Most Feelers become nurses, teachers or work in a career where they are helping people.

All of this sounds really nice, but can a Feeler also be tough as nails and objective in a business setting? Or do they get emotional when criticized and rather be your BFF rather than a boss?


Do you wear your heart on your sleeve? 

Raise your hand if you are a Feeler and proudly show that heart on your sleeve….

From personal experience, I have a natural tendency to want to “mother” people and do take criticism personally. And, there are moments where I need to go to the bathroom to have a good cry after a stressful day at the office.

But, I can also push aside the Feeler aspects and adopt more Thinker strategies in handling business situations. There’s a great book that I recently read called Quiet: The Power of Introverts. The author, who is an introvert, discusses how an introvert’s strengths can be applied by anyone to be a better listener and participant of society. (Most thinkers are also found to be introverts in their personality).

One of  the benefits of being a Feeler is passion.  A Feeler puts their heart and soul (no pun intended) into their work or causes they care about.  Feelers are very value-driven and believe in a set of values that they’ve adopted for themselves.  In fact, you may have heard a Feeler say on more than one occasion “This isn’t fair!”

Feelers have capabilities to grow into good business leaders but it does take getting a handle on emotional reactions.  Feelers have to make a conscious effort to take a step back and observe from a practical standpoint.

Can you identify who are the Feelers you work with on a regular basis?

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